Simple Present Test 2

This simple present test asks you to choose the correct verb for the sentences. Do you know how to form present sentences? Find out with this exercise and improve your English grammar.

Simple Present Questions Test

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Fill in the spaces with the correct words for the simple present sentences. The options are “do“, “does“, is“, “are“, “am“, “Who“, “What“, “Where“, “When“, “Why“, and “How“.

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Question 1 of 1
1 . Question

Fill in the spaces with the correct words for the simple present sentences. The options are “do“, “does“, is“, “are“, “am“, “Who“, “What“, “Where“, “When“, “Why“, and “How“.

2. (Are) you a student?

3. (Does) she have a sister?

4. When (is) the class?

5. (What) time is it?

6. (Who) is your favourite singer?

7. Why (is) it red?

8. (Do) the children want something to eat?

9. (Are) they ready?

10. (When) does the game start?

11. (What) is your name?

12. Where (is) the washroom?

13. (Do) you like jazz music?

14. (How) many brothers do you have?

15. What (do) you want to eat for lunch?

16. (Does) she live in Mexico?

17. (Where) are my keys? I can't find them.

18. (Do) we need more juice?

19. (Is) the laptop broken?

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