Your Notice of Experience Rating Charges

The Notice of Experience Rating Charges shows unemployment insurance (UI) benefits:

As a result of the CARES Act, the federal government will pay 50% of the cost for all unemployment benefits paid from March 13, 2020 through December 31, 2020. Charges reflected on your prior and current Notices of Experience Rating Charges (IA96R) and Notices of Reimbursable Billing (IA126R) for the affected periods will be credited at a later date. Until such time that credits appear on subsequent charge and billing notices, you may pay 50% of the charges stated on each of your quarterly bills covering the affected periods. Payments already made for prior periods covered by the CARES Act will subsequently be reflected as a credit and can be applied to future charges.

Also, through December 31, 2020, the federal government will pay 100% of the costs for benefits paid to qualified, full-time and part time employees under a Shared Work plan. If you are a current participant in the Shared Work Program, and have incurred attributable charges for eligible employees from March 13, 2020, you do not have to make payment on those charges for the affected periods. Payments already made for prior periods covered by the CARES Act will subsequently be reflected as a credit and can be applied to future charges.

We base a claimant’s eligibility to receive benefits on the reason for separation from the last employment prior to filing the claim.

An employer may protest charges to its account based on a claimant’s reason for separation, such as misconduct or voluntarily leaving without good cause.

We charge the first seven full weeks of benefits to the account of the claimant's last employer before filing the claim. After that, we charge benefits to the accounts of base-period employers proportionally. Charges are in proportion to the ratio of wages each employer paid the claimant during the base period to the total base period wages.

Please respond to the IA 96 Notice of Experience Rating (or Benefit Reimbursement Charges) within 30 days of the Notice to indicate the correct number of hours the claimant worked for each week that is incorrect on the notice.

New York State Department of Labor
PO Box 15130
Albany, NY 12212-5130


If the claimant worked between 11-30 hours and earned $504 or less per week, then the claimant would still be eligible for partial benefits.

If the claimant worked more than 30 hours per week or earned more than $504 per week, then you should call or write:
New York State Department of Labor
PO Box 15130
Albany, NY 12212-5130

An employer must respond timely and with adequate detail to our requests for information in order to be relieved of charges for benefits paid to employees who are later determined to be ineligible for benefits.

Employers must respond timely and adequately to the following documents, including but not limited to:

Most requests for information relate to the reason(s) your former employee(s) lost employment, but there may be others. For your response to us to be considered adequate, it must:

If you have questions or concerns such as these: