Speeding Laws in Pennsylvania

If you are driving at a speed that is above the posted speed limit in Pennsylvania, you risk violating Pennsylvania speeding laws, being pulled over, and getting a speeding ticket.

If you need to speak with an attorney regarding charges related to speeding laws in Pennsylvania, use the buttons below to call us now, or fill out our contact form, and schedule a FREE Consultation.

For more information about speeding laws in Pennsylvania, including the laws regarding speeding and how a ticket affects your driving record, read on.

General Speeding Laws in Pennsylvania

Subchapter F – Speed Restrictions of Pennsylvania Rules of the Road in General code states that unless otherwise denoted, or if a lower speed is required due to the existence of a particular hazard, speed limits are as follows.

In addition to the above, the Rules of the Road in general also stipulate that, “no person shall drive vehicle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions…” and not at a speed greater than will allow the driver to safely make a stop.

Penalties for Breaking Speeding Laws in Pennsylvania

A person who violates the posted speed laws may face charges of a summary offense and be responsible for paying a fine. According to section 3362 (c) of the Code cited above, these are the fines.

According to The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, if a vehicle is speeding excessively – more than 31 miles per hour over the posted speed limit – then either a 15-day license suspension, receive a special penalty or both.

What’s more, a person who was speeding may consequently be charged with careless or reckless driving as well. It is also likely that a person who receives a speeding ticket will experience an increase in his or her car insurance premium.

You will face an automatic license suspension of 90 days if you are under the age of 18 and charged with excessive speeding.

What should I do if I’ve received a speeding ticket?

If you’ve been written a speeding ticket in Pennsylvania, you will either need to fight the ticket by pleading not guilty or pay the ticket. You can pay your ticket via mail, online, or in person. After paying, you will incur points on your driving record.

If you decide to plead not guilty, then it is in your best interest to hire a traffic offense law firm. By pleading not guilty, you will be responsible for contesting the ticket during a hearing, attempt to plead to a lesser charge, and appealing a verdict if convicted (and appeal is desired).

Felony Speeding Laws in Pennsylvania

Some charges related to speeding can carry more serious consequences, like becoming a felon.

While “felony speeding” is not technically a criminal charge in the state of Pennsylvania, there are some charges that involve speeding which can result in a felony.

A Pennsylvania Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You With Speeding Law Violations

Some speeding tickets are minor, but some can seriously reduce your financial situation by ordering you to pay large fines.

Again, your monetary situation could be ruined if you have to endure a license suspension.

Finally, both of these appear on your driving record, which can result in consequences like barring from jobs that require you to drive.

If you believe that you have been wrongfully charged with speeding and been giving a speeding ticket, the attorneys at ARM Lawyers, can help you to plead not guilty for the offense among these other useful things.

ARM’s criminal defense attorneys in Pennsylvania offer free consultations to our clients facing violations of speeding laws in Pennsylvania.

We handle speeding law cases in counties throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Lehigh Valley, with multiple offices including:

Use the buttons below to give us a call, or fill out one of our contact forms, and schedule your free consultation with a qualified Pa criminal defense attorney today.