Development plan ap human geography

AP Human Geography Syllabus 2015-2016
File Size: 291 kb
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This year long class will introduce students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alterations of the Earth’s surface. By looking at the relationships between cultural groups and their physical geography it is possible to find relationships that allow geographers to understand better how humans are shaped by their physical world, and change it in turn. We will be looking at different cultural phenomenon such as language, religion, government, and economic systems in order to make connections between different cultural set and how they interact with one another. By examining maps and other geographical tools students will examine correlations between the physical and human world and the interactions that have shaped our planet and human life. This course is designed to increase the students’ understanding of the world and develop their critical thinking skills. Upon completion of this course students will be given the opportunity to take the Advanced Placement test for the possibility of college credit.

Note to Teachers* I am not presently teaching this course, so some modules may not be up to date - please do not hesitate to contact me with what you are looking for and I most likely have something that might help you out! - Kyle ([email protected])

Also check out the resources I have on my other website - Geography for Geographers !
Be sure to also check out my Geography 1020 - Introduction to Human Geography course page for more materials that could be adapted for High School students


Unit I: Geography - Its Nature and Perspective

Unit I Schedule

Week 1: Course Introduction
(Sept 7-11)

Module 1.1 : Course Introduction
- Student Introductions
- Welcome to AP Human Geography
+ Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot
- Course Expectations
Activity: Where in the World?
HW: World Regions quiz next class
+ Use World Regions Study Guide

Module 1.2 : Five Themes of Geography
- The Five Themes of Geography (Notes)
+ Five Themes Diagram (Notes)
- Geography is Everywhere (Assignment)
HW : Finding the Five Themes (Assignment)


Week 2: Cartography and Map Making

Module 1.3 : Cartography
- Basics of Cartography (Notes)
+ 1965 Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Eastern Thailand Map
- Using TODALSIGS (Assignment)
HW: Rubenstein 14-15, 20-25


Week 3: Modern Geography

Module 1.5 : Geographic Information Systems
- Dan Scollon Ted Talk (Assignment)
+ Dan Scollon: Geographic Information Systems
- Basics of ArcGIS
+ Hiking Utah County GIS Example
+ Mapping your World (Assignment)
+ Present maps
HW : Unit I Test Next Class
+ Unit I Study Guide: Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives

Module 1.6 : Celebration of Knowledge
- Unit I Test - Nature and Perspectives of Geography
September 25th


Unit I Notes

19 Maps that Tell A Story (Module 1.4) Basics of Cartography (Module 1.3) Five Themes Diagram (Module 1.2) Map Projections and Types of Maps (Module 1.4) The Five Themes of Geography (Module 1.2) Welcome to AP Human Geography (Module 1.1) Where in the World (Module 1.1) Unit I Review Unit I Study Guide World Regions Study Guide (Module 1.1)

Unit I Assignments

Dan Scollon TED Talk
File Size: 119 kb
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Dealing with A Spherical Earth
File Size: 120 kb
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Finding the Five Themes
File Size: 322 kb
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Mapping your World
File Size: 968 kb
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Mapping Your World csv
File Size: 0 kb
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Geography is Everywhere
File Size: 280 kb
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File Size: 129 kb
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Unit I Additional Resources

42 Amazing Maps

1965 Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Eastern Thailand Map


Carl Sagan - You are Here (Pale Blue Dot)

Dan Scollon: Geographic Information Systems (Ted Talk)

Hiking Utah County

Maps That Prove You Don't Really Know Earth

Minnesota Geospatial Commons

Unit II: Population and Migration

Unit II Course Schedule

Week 4: Basics of Population
(Sept 28-Oct 2)

Module 2.1 : Introduction to Population
- Population Videos
+ National Geographic: 7 Billion
+ National Geographic: Are you Typical
+ National Geographic: Food for Thought
+ The Miniature Earth
- The World If There Were Only 100 People
- Blue Marble
- Basic Population Vocabulary (Notes)
HW : Population 7 Billion (Activity)
HW: Bring a computer next class

Module 2.2 : Population Trackers
- Census Importance Discussion
+ Using the Census" (Activity)
- Introduction to population tracking websites
+ CIA World Factbook
+ American Fact Finder
HW : Using Factbook and FactFinder (Assignment)

Week 7: Human Migration
(Oct 19-23)

Module 2.7 : Introduction to Human Migration
- Rubenstein Chapter 2 Vocabulary Quiz
- Basics of Migration (Notes)
- Push and Pull Factors Of Migration (Activity)
HW : Rubenstein 92-97

Module 2.8 : Models of Human Migration
- Ravenstein's Theory of Human Migration (Notes)
HW : Rubenstein 102-107

Week 5: Growth of Human Population
(Oct 5-9)

Module 2.3 : Human Population Growth
- The Demographic Transition Model (Notes)
+ The Demographic Transition Model - Graph (Notes)
+ The Demographic Transition Model - Population Pyramids (Notes)
- Reading A Population Pyramid - Russia (Activity)
+ Population Pyramids: Predictors of the Future
+ Reading a Population Map: China (Notes)
HW : Sweden Demographic Transition (Activity)
HW : Rubenstein 54-59

Module 2.4 : Demographics
- Demography: The Geography of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender (Notes)
- Using Demographic Maps
+ 2010 USA Population Density Map
+ The New York Times: Mapping America
+ The Cooper Center: Dot Map
HW: Using Racial Dot Maps (Activity)
HW : Optional Map Quiz Thursday: South America


Week 8: Patterns of Migration
(Oct 26-30)

Module 2.9 : Case Study of Human Migration
- Case Studies of Human Migration (Assignment)
+ Calling Australia Home
+ Germans in America: Into the Promised Land
+ Letters from Karelia
HW : Case Studies of Human Migration (The New Commonwealth Migrants) (Assignment)

Module 2.10 : Trends of Human Migration
- Trends in Human Migration to the United States (Notes)
- Refugees in 2010 (Assignment)
+ Use 2010 US State Department statistics of Refugees to answer questions
HW : Unit II Test on Monday

Week 6: Demography and Ecumene
(Oct 12-16)

Module 2.5 :Population Growth Theory
- Population Theories (Notes)
- Religions and Babies (Ted Talk)
+ Hans Rosling: Religions and Babies (Activity)
HW : Population Policies: India and China (Activity)
H W : Rubenstein 68-75
HW : Crash Course: Population, Sustainability, and Malthus

Module 2.6 : The Habitable World
- Patterns of Human Settlement
+ Analyzing population density maps (Activity)
- The Habitable World (Notes)
+ World Mapper - Population Cartogram
HW : Rubenstein 70-73
HW : Rubenstein Chapter 2 Vocabulary Quiz


Week 9: Patterns of Migration
(Nov 2-6)
Module 2.11 : Unit II Review Day
- Work on Study Guides
HW : Unit II Test on Monday Monday: Celebration of Knowledge
Unit II Test - Population and Migration November 2nd

Unit II Notes

Basic Population Vocabulary
File Size: 999 kb
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Basics of Migration
File Size: 569 kb
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Demography: The Geography of Race Ethnicity and Gender
File Size: 2786 kb
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The Demographic Transitions Model
File Size: 588 kb
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The Demographic Transitions Model - Graph
File Size: 335 kb
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The Demographic Transition Model - Population Pyramids
File Size: 626 kb
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The Habitable World
File Size: 2278 kb
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Population Theories
File Size: 581 kb
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Ravensteins Laws of Human Migration
File Size: 921 kb
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Reading a Population Pyramid: China
File Size: 373 kb
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Trends in Human Migration to The United States
File Size: 1388 kb
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Unit II Review

Unit II Study Guide - Population and Migration
File Size: 216 kb
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Rubenstein Chapter 2 Vocabulary
File Size: 202 kb
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Unit II Assignments

Analyzing Population Density Maps
File Size: 361 kb
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Case Studies of Human Migration
File Size: 236 kb
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Hans Rosling: Religions and Babies
File Size: 274 kb
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Population 7 Billion
File Size: 664 kb
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Population Policies - India and China
File Size: 273 kb
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Push and Pull Factors of Migration (Handout)
File Size: 241 kb
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Push and Pull Factors of Migration (Instructions)
File Size: 160 kb
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Reading a Population Pyramid - Russia
File Size: 325 kb
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Refugees in 2010
File Size: 198 kb
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Sweden Demographic Transition
File Size: 209 kb
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Using Factbook and Factfinder
File Size: 304 kb
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Using Racial Dot Maps
File Size: 288 kb
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Using the Census
File Size: 426 kb
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Unit II Additional Resources

American Fact Finder

Blue Marble

Calling Australia Home

Crash Course: Population, Sustainability, and Malthus

Hans Rosling: Religions and Babies (Ted Talk)


Germans in America: Into the Promised Land

Immigration Since 1880

John Oliver - Migrants and Refugees

Letters from Karelia

Mapping Migration in the US

National Geographic: Food for Thought

National Geographic: 7 Billion

National Geographic: Are You Typical?

NY Times - Mapping Migration in the US

Origins and Destinations of the World’s Migrants, from 1990-2013

Overpopulated - BBC Documentary

Population Pyramids: Predictors of the Future

The Cooper Center: Dot Map

The Miniature Earth

The New York Times: Mapping America

The World If There Were Only 100 People

The World's Immigration Landscape

US Census Bureau

​​US State Department - Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration

World Life Expectancy

Unit III: Cities and Urban Land Use

Unit III Course Schedule

Week 10: Urban Development
(Nov 9-13)

Module 3.1: Basics of Urbanization
- Basic Developments of Cities (Notes)
+ Unicef: An Urban World
+ What If the Entire World Lived in 1 City?
- Chapter 13 Vocabulary (Test Prep)
HW : Chpt 13 Vocab Quiz Next class

Module 3.2 : Urbanization and Migration
- Primate Cities and the Rank-Size Rule (Notes)
HW : Rubenstein 438-441
HW : The World Urban Hierarchy Reading and Questions (Assignment)

Week 13: Urban Change
(Nov 24-28)

Module 3.7: Modern Cities
- Gentrification Effects (Assignment)
- Growth Problems of Urban Development (Notes)
HW : Rasmus Frisk: Designing Cities for People (Assignment)

Module 3.8 : Urban Case Studies
- Urbanized (Assignment)
- CBS: From Amazon to Garden State
- Human Planet - Cities (Assignment)

Week 11: Urban Development Models
(Nov 16-20)

Module 3.3: Central Place Theory
- Introducing Central Place Theory (Assignment)
- Central Place Theory (Notes)
- Business Distribution in Memphis, Tenn (Assignment)
HW: Finish Business Distribution in Memphis, Tenn

Module 3.4 : Growing Cities
- Urban Growth Models (Notes)
- Saint Paul Urban Growth (Assignment)
​ + St Paul Average Income
HW : Finish Saint Paul Urban Growth
HW : Rubenstein 396-40 t.

Week 14: Complete Unit
(Nov 24-28)
Module 3.9: Review Day
HW : Unit III Test - Cities and Urban Land Use

Module 3.10 : Celebration of Knowledge
- Unit III Test - Cities and Urban Land Use
November 25th, 2014


Week 12: Urban Change
(Nov 24-28)

Module 3.5 : Roles of Cities
- Urbanization of Services (Notes)
- Service Threshold: Loretto, Tn (Assignment)
HW : Chapter 12 Vocabulary Quiz

Module 3.6: Comparing World Cities
- Chapter 12 Vocabulary Quiz
- Regional Urban Models (Notes)
- Looking at Urbanization Around the World (Notes)
HW : Rubenstein 441-447


Unit III Notes

Basic Developments of Cities
File Size: 508 kb
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Central Place Theory
File Size: 843 kb
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Growth Problems of Urban Development
File Size: 1874 kb
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Looking at Urbanization Around the World
File Size: 1366 kb
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Primate Cities and the Rank-Size Rule
File Size: 1128 kb
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Regional Urban Models
File Size: 3801 kb
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Urban Development Models
File Size: 2522 kb
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Urbanization of Services
File Size: 1857 kb
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Unit III Review

Chapter 12 Vocabulary
File Size: 198 kb
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Chapter 13 Vocabulary
File Size: 205 kb
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Unit III Study Guide - Cities and Urban Land Use
File Size: 208 kb
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Unit III Assignments

Business Distribution in Memphis, Tenn
File Size: 404 kb
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Gentrification Effects
File Size: 197 kb
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Human Planet - Cities
File Size: 277 kb
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Introducing Central Place Theory
File Size: 277 kb
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Rasmus Frisk: Designing Cities for People
File Size: 284 kb
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Saint Paul Urban Growth
File Size: 202 kb
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Service Threshold: Loretto, Tn
File Size: 305 kb
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The World Urban Hierarchy (Questions)
File Size: 277 kb
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File Size: 277 kb
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The World Urban Hierarchy (Readings)
File Size: 101 kb
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Unit III Additional Resources

23 Places Shown from Far Away

CBS: From Amazon to Garden State

City of St. Paul Zoning

Gentrification in America Report

Platform for Urban Management and Analysis

Rasmus Frisk: Designing Cities for People (Ted Talk)

Unicef: An Urban World

Urbanized - Gary Hustwit

What If the Entire World Lived in 1 City?


Spring Break (April 1-10)
Enjoy Your Time Off!!

World Political Map Quiz Review
File Size: 320 kb
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US Political Map Quiz Review
File Size: 385 kb
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Unit IV: Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Unit IV Course Schedule

Week 15: Agricultural Developments
(Dec 7-11)

Module 4.1 : History of Agriculture
- Introduction to Agriculture (Notes)
- Guns, Germs, and Steel - Episode 1
+ Guns, Germs, and Steel (Assignment)
HW : The Worst Mistake in History (Assignment)

Module 4.2: Green Revolution and Biotechnology
- Discuss "The Worst Mistake in History"
- Developments of Agriculture (Notes)
HW : Produce Field Study (Assignments)


Week 18: Resources
(Jan 11-15)

Module 4.1: Fresh Water Resources
- Desertification (Assignment)
- Case Study: Aral Sea (Notes)
HW : Shrinking White Bear Lake (Assignment)
Extra : Blue Gold: World Water Wars

Module 4.9: Issues in Resources
- Natural Resources (Notes)
HW : Unit IV Test Next Week Week 16: Geography of Agriculture
(Dec 14-18)

Module 4.3: Modern Agricultural Issues
- Von Thunen's Model of Land Use (Notes)
+ Von Thunen Model (Notes)
- Modeling Minnesota Agriculture (Assignment)
HW : Rubenstein 350-351
HW : Bring textbook next class

Module 4.4: Location of Agriculture
- Subsistence Agriculture (Notes)
- Climate and Commercial Agriculture (Assignment)
HW : Rubenstein 330-335

Module 4.5: Geography of Food Production
- Top Agricultural Producers and Exporters (Assignment)
- Agricultural Regions of the United States (Assignment)
HW : Rubenstein 335-350


Winter Break
December 19th -January 3rd

Week 17: Agricultural Development
(Jan 4-8)

Module 4.6: Agriculture and Development
- Agriculture in MDCs (Notes)
- Rural Organizational Patterns (Notes)
+ Rural Land Systems Reference (Notes)
HW : Rubenstein 403-410

Module 4.7: Hungry Planet
- Hungry Planet (Activity)
+ Hungry Planet (Handout) (Notes and Assignment)
+ Peter Menzel - Hungry Planet
HW : Peter Menzel Ted Talk (Assignment)
HW : Third World Farmer (Assignment)


Week 19: Finals Week
(Jan 18-22)

Module 4.10: Celebration of Knowledge
Unit IV Test - Agriculture and Rural Land Use
January 21st, 2016

Unit IV Notes

Agriculture in MDCs
File Size: 2114 kb
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Case Study - Aral Sea
File Size: 473 kb
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Developments of Agriculture
File Size: 769 kb
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Hungry Planet
File Size: 1092 kb
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Introduction to Agriculture
File Size: 803 kb
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Natural Resources
File Size: 2168 kb
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Rural Land Systems Reference
File Size: 341 kb
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Rural Organizational Patterns
File Size: 1527 kb
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Subsistence Agriculture
File Size: 1581 kb
File Type: pdf

Von Thunen Model
File Size: 301 kb
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Von Thunen’s Model of Land Use
File Size: 504 kb
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Unit IV Test Preparation

Unit IV Study Guide - Agriculture and Rural Land Use
File Size: 214 kb
File Type: pdf

Unit IV Assignments

Agricultural Regions of the United States
File Size: 540 kb
File Type: pdf

Climate and Commercial Agriculture
File Size: 203 kb
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File Size: 272 kb
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Guns, Germs, and Steel
File Size: 204 kb
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Hungry Planet (Handout)
File Size: 197 kb
File Type: pdf

Modeling Minnesota Agriculture
File Size: 915 kb
File Type: pdf

Peter Menzel Ted Talk
File Size: 201 kb
File Type: pdf

Produce Field Study
File Size: 206 kb
File Type: pdf

Shrinking White Bear Lake
File Size: 522 kb
File Type: pdf

The Worst Mistake in History
File Size: 310 kb
File Type: pdf

Third World Farmer
File Size: 195 kb
File Type: pdf

Top Agricultural Producers and Exporters
File Size: 231 kb
File Type: pdf

Unit IV Additional Resources

15 People from Around the World and What They Eat

40 Maps That Explain Food in America

% of American Workforce in Agriculture

Back to the Start - 4th Agricultural Revolution

Blue Gold: World Water Wars

Food Inc.

Geo Maps - Desertification

Guns, Germs, and Steel

Peter Menzel - Hungry Planet

Peter Menzel Ted Talk

The 4th Largest Lake Just Disappeared

Third World Farmer

US Energy Mapping System

Unit V: Industrialization and Economic Development

Unit V Course Schedule

Week 19: Introduction to Industrialization (Semester 2 Begins)
(Jan 25-29)
Thursday: Introduction to Industrialization
- Preview of Semester Two
+ General Timeline and Expectations
- Go over Tests
- Introduction to Industrialism (Notes)
HW : Rubenstein Chapter 11 Vocabulary Quiz Monday (Test Preparation)
HW: Rubenstein 364-366
Friday: No Class "A" Day

Week 20: Geography of Industry
(Feb 1-5)
Monday: Growth of Industry
- Chapter 11 Vocabulary Quiz
- Developments in Industrialization (Notes)
- New International Division of Labor (Assignment)
HW: Finish Thought Questions
Tuesday: No Class "A" Day
Wednesday: Location of Industry
- Site and Situation Factors of Industrialization (Notes)
HW: Mongolia Rare-Earth Minerals (Assignment)
Thursday: No Class "A" Day
Friday: Location of Industrial Zones
- Spatial Distribution of Industry (Notes)
HW: Industrial Development of Pakistan (Assignment)
HW: Rubenstein 367-373 & 386-389

Week 21: Industry and Development
(Feb 8-12)
Monday: No Class "B" Day
Tuesday: Understanding "Development"
- The Brandt Line (Assignment)
- Introduction to Development (Notes)
+ International Human Development Indicators
HW: 2014 Human Development Index (Assignments)
+ 2014 HDI Report
HW: Rubenstein 290-301
Wednesday: No Class "B" Day
Thursday: Tracking and Classifying Development
- Models of Economic Development (Notes)
HW: Comparing Rostow and Wallerstein (Assignment)
HW: Rubenstein 302-309
Friday: No Class "B" Day

Week 22: Impacts of Development
(Feb 15-19)
Monday: No School - President's Day
Tuesday: Modules of Development
- Identifying Levels of Development (Assignment)
HW: Identifying Rostow and Wallerstein (Assignment)
HW: Rubenstein 309-318
Wednesday: No Class "A" Day
Thursday: Issues of Development and Industry
- Impacts of Development (Assignment)
- The Lorax and Development (Assignment)
HW: Charles Robertson TED Talk (Assignment)
Friday: No Class "A" Day

Week 23: Finish Unit V
(Feb 22-26)
Monday: Review Day
HW : Unit V Test - Industrialization and Economic Development
Wednesday February 24th, 2016
Tuesday: No Class "A" Day
Wednesday: Unit V Test - Industrialization and Economic Development
February 24th, 2016
Thursday: No Class "A" Day
Friday: Unit VI