Rep. Cox votes for latest legislation to address the COVID-19 crisis; Senate unlikely to pass bill

Rep. TJ Cox, and his House colleagues, voted on and passed the Heroes Act this week, the House’s latest bill to address the unprecedented COVID-19 health and economic crisis. The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act or the HEROES Act passed by a 208-199 vote.

“The COVID-19 crisis has taken an unprecedented toll on our communities. We all know someone whose job or business has been affected, and many in the Central Valley are out of work. We are currently facing the worst health and economic disaster of our lifetime. The CARES Act was a great step in helping the American people get through this crisis, but we know more needs to be done.” said Cox.

“The Heroes Act is the next step in this process and a lifeline for millions of working families who need a hand up to get through this crisis. There are dozens of provisions in this bill that are key to helping the Central Valley weather this pandemic.”

Unfortunately for Cox and his Democratic colleagues, the sweeping $3 trillion legislation was quickly dismissed by Republicans, and the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and probably isn’t going anywhere.

But Cox said that the current pandemic shows the need for legislation that meets the crisis Americans are facing. That is why the House voted to pass the Heroes Act to protect the lives and livelihoods of the American people and the life of our democracy. To help Americans, the Act: